August 2018 Pinnacles National Park & Moss Landing Kyacking

Pinnacles National Park is outside of Hollister, not a well visited park as it can get VERY HOT.  The best time to visit is spring or fall, so of course we went during summer.  We went with the Fosse Posse (Adam, Shantal, Ava, Sean and Shane)  and of course we had to hike.  The Bear Gulch hike is through a bat cave.  There are over 13 species of bats here - but we couldn't get in the actual bat cave as it was mating season.   Cave was a  little tight and had to get on our hands and knees to get through.   We were able to see a few California condors.   They were almost extinct in 1987 there were less than 27  (lead poison and habitat issues) They have been reintroduced here.  The condor is the largest North American land bird.  It's wing span is up to 10 feet.  GG had to buy a stuffed condor for the travel collection.  And of course, the kids got their Jr. Ranger badges.

Moss Landing is where my mother grew up and my grandfather fished and farmed.  It is close to Pinnacles and we were able to kayak on the Elk Horn Slough.  We saw lots of seals, a few were aggressive towards other kayakers.   A trip to Moss Landing isn't complete unless you go to Phils Fish Market for a cioppino lunch.   Fun trip and much cooler than Pinnacles.


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