I retired in September and thought I would be blogging more often, unfortunately after being on a keyboard 8+ hours a day while working, blogging lost it's fascination. But I'm BACK! Having spent 40 years in commercial insurance I retired from Crum & Forster. I was fortunate enough to retire from an awesome company, with my dream job of training and working with the best group of underwriters (Chicago, Houston, New Jersey, Conway, Portland, DesMoines and San Francisco). Since it is difficult to have a remote retirement party, I asked all the offices for photographs for my blog. Several offices decided to compete. Here are my "Academy Awards" BEST COSTUME: Portland - matching PJ's BEST ACTORS IN SUPPORTING ROLES: DesMoines - the Iowa version of the Brady Bunch - John made a great looking wife and mom. BEST ANIMATION: Houston - loved the map and all the great stick people - what a creative group of people. BEST SPECIAL EFFECTS:...