SIgn Post Forest

While in Watson Lake we had to visit the Sign Post Forest.  Our mission was to locate the Dos Palos city sign (the town we grew up in).  My in laws put up this sign in 1983 while on their RV trip to Alaska.  Even though there are more than 77,000 signs we found the Dos Palos sign within 5 minutes.    My father in law must have had a ladder handy, as it was at the top of a 10 foot post.

If you don't know the history
This forest was started in 1942 by a homesick US Army GI, Carl Lindley  while working on the Alaska highway.  Carl erected a  sign pointing to his hometown of Danville Illinois.  Others soon followed suit and the Sign Post Forest was formed.  It's actually designated as an official Yukon
Historic site.

The signs are not just city and street signs. Travelers have erected many unique and unusual items with their names and dates....snowboards, shoes, helmets, license plates, toilet seats and even a bedpan.    Besides US and Canada there are signs from throughout the world. We saw signs from Switzerland , China , Germany and some in languages we weren't familiar with.

As Dorothy says in the Wizard of Oz...THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME.

Be prepared to have a sign if you visit.   We added 2 more signs ... so, it's 77.002 and counting!


  1. Much easier to find this time of year! When Richard and I were looking for it the end of April 2013, there was a good 3 feet of snow. Too deep for me to walk in, so Richard was out there by himself he fell a few times in the snow before he found it !!
    I'm glad you had an easier time finding the sign. Safe travels!!!

  2. What fun is that, must have given you chills....VERY COOL....little did they know how much that would mean. Happy travels!

  3. So cool to find gma and gpas sign from so long ago! I mean 1983 thats super old...hey wait a minute! Can't wait to make it up that way and find everybodies sign some day.

    1. Since you are so super old we will draw a map... they are both fairly easy to find. Assuming they don't add another 70,000 signs. Some of the signs are very clever so you should start thinking of your one of a kind sign.

  4. What a great story. I've never heard of the forest sign before.

    1. You will have to visit if you ever come to Alaska. Unfortunately it is a bit remote more than a day trip.

  5. So glad you found the sign, that is pretty amazing!


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