
Luckily we only had 2 nights in Banff.   I say "lucky" in a disappointing way, Banff is filled with smoke from the Verdant creek wildfire.  The smoke keeps pouring into the valley.

We wanted to take the Banff gondola ride, but the cashier showed us the webcam and asked if we really wanted to spend $120 to go up. The visibility was extremely poor...just gray smokey skies.  We appreciated his candor and passed on the gondola

We did visit the Caves and Basins historical landmark.  This is known as the birthplace of Canada's national park system it is a natural thermal mineral spring discovered in the 1870's   The waters are said to cure rheumatism, digestion and gunshot wounds.  Hmmmm...

We stayed at the Tunnel Mountain RV park.  The trailhead for the HOODOOs starts from this campground.  So what is a hoodoo?  Basically it is composed sedimentary rock covered by harder rock that is difficult to erode.  Once the softer sediment erodes a needle or tower is formed. At the top of the trail are the famous RED chairs photo opportunity. Even Max got into the action... in  the meantime I keep humming...HEY MR BIGSHOT HOO DOO YOU THINK YOU ARE.

Our "hike" reward was ice cream from COWS.  I had the "Mooey Gooey" and Tom had "Royal COWnadian mint".

While walking Max at 5:30 we saw 2 elks. Of course the great protector decided to bark.  One of the elk turned and gave us a dirty look.  Luckily he kept walking... on his way to the HOODOOS  I imagine.

On our way to Montana.....which is also having wildfires.   ☹️


  1. We have been in Yosemite when the smoke has poured into the valley, and you couldn't see Half Dome very well, so I understand what you are talking about. Oh my gosh, it is record heat here, and smoke from the fires close to Sacramento have turned the air gray. It's horrible. I think it was 111 in Santa Clara today. Fresno/Stockton kind of heat.

    1. Montana is also smokey but at least the temps are in the 80's. Yosemite also has a fire now and 109+ degrees. A tough year for the western states. Time to go east

  2. I hope the smoke isn't taking too much away from enjoying your trip. Looks like you're still seeing some beautiful places.


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