Family Visits Idaho - Island Park, Rigby and Ririe - July 2019

We were really lucky to have family visit us while we work camped in Idaho.   Our daughter in law, Shantal drove her first solo (without Adam) long car trip.  The grandkids (Ava, Sean and Shane) kept her company.   The week prior our cousins, the Gafverts (Rick & Peg) and their granddaughters (Sidney and Kaylin) joined us for a week also.   Needless to say, we were busy with outings in the area.   And we had time for a round of golf.

Island Park:  Island Park is 20 minutes from the west end of Yellowstone.  It is the longest main street in the United states - 36 miles long.   How did this happen?  Alcohol...yes spirits, beer and wine are responsible.  There are  multiple restaurants and lodges spread along this 36 mile stretch.  Each wanted to sell alcohol.  But Idaho liquor law prohibited the sale of alcohol outside the city limits.  So these enterprising creative business owners got together and incorporated into one town - ie one city limit and obtained a liquor license.  Thus the longest main street in America.  

That aside, there is much to see along this route, Henry's Lake, Big Springs to name a few.  And of course, excellent fly fishing, hiking and scenery.  

We (the Gafverts and the Fosse Posse) went to the Eagle Ridge Ranch.   It was a fun destination for the kids....young and old.  There are paddle boats, canoes, water swing rope, water trampoline and of course swimming.   Rick and Peg launched their inflatable kayak for the first time.   We declared Peg the official captain (all that girl scout training paid off).   After water fun, Poppa Tom gave archery lessons.   The targets were not the simple paper circle - the ranch had various life sized animals for targets.  Watch out, I think the grandkids are going to want compound bows for Christmas.  
There were also horse rides available - but not enough time to do everything.  Sorry Ava.  But we did come back to Ashton and celebrate a late birthday for Tom and Ava.  Cherry Chocolate Dutch oven cake and smores...YUMMMMMMM


Rigby:  Our friend Tim rebuilt a 1952 Chevy pickup - the BLACK WIDOW.   He invited us to attend "THE RIGBY CLASSIC CAR SHOW AND DRAG RACES".  Our grandkids are classic car fanatics so this was a no brainer.  Plus where else in America can you see drag races on the main street of town, with the local police and town out in full force.  Yes on the main street of town cars raced each other throughout the day.  Close your eyes and imagine..... the smell of rubber and gas and squealing tires.  The kids loved it.


To make things even sweeter, Tim's Black Widow won the Peoples Choice Award.

Ririe:  Mountain River Ranch in Ririe has a campground and Western Musical Dinner Show.  We decided to camp in Ririe for the night and enjoy a show.  As expected the show starts with a gun fight.   After the good and bad guys make up, we all boarded horse drawn wagons to have a hooting hollering good time.  I say hooting and hollerin as the table who makes the most noise gets served dinner first....and YES our table was the loudest.  The tri tip dinner was delicious and topped off with huckleberry ice cream.  After dinner we were treated to a fantastic musical show....singing, guitar playing, poetry BUT the best was the fiddler.  He played "Devil went down to Georgia"  He was the best and would have certainly beat the devil in a fiddle contest.


Fun Family times in Idaho and the weather cooperated.  


  1. Glad you guys were camp hosting so we could come up and visit. Beautiful country to see, family bonding, and great times! Thanks again! ❤️


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