Alaskan Native Heritage Museum

While in Anchorage we visited the Heritage Center.  It had films, live native music and dancing as well as 6 life sized traditional Alaskan dwellings.

We learned that Alaskan native cultures hold certain values pertinent to their traditions, people, and way of life.  I think it would be wise for all of us to respect these 10 traditional values
1. Show respect to others . Each person has a special gift
2. Share what you have. Giving makes you richer
3. Know who you are. You are a reflection on your family
4. Accept what life brings. You cannot control many things
5. Have patience. Some things cannot be rushed
6. Live carefully. What you do will come back to you
7. Take care of others. You cannot live without them
8. Honor your elders. They show you the way in life
9. Pray for guidance. Many things are not known
10. See connections. All things are related

I know that I am still working on some of need for those who know me to point out which ones need more work, lol.

And after tonight's domino game.  Let's add one more
11.  Winning isn't everything. Although it does feel better


  1. Glad you guys are having so much fun. You have coats on, I almost forgot that there is cool weather out there. Not here it is HOT and MUGGY, not a good combo. Sure miss your laugh at the gym, hope you are sharing it with the rest of the world. All is well here...Mom's still drinking her wine, we are right with her. CHEERS

    1. Sorry about the heat. It's beautiful weather here. Some rain coming this week but not constant. ☔️

  2. So did you hit Dad in the head? Whats with the face...

  3. Richard and I really enjoyed the Heritage Museum also!!!


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