Prince George BC

We spent a few days decompressing from the return trip on the Alcan Highway.  As expected there is a lot of road construction.  Our red truck is now a dull highway gray...nothing like dirt, gravel and road oil.

Whenever you find a major city along the Alcan, look for Costco.  Our last Costco run was a few weeks prior in Anchorage.  Whenever you do locate a Costco, you have to restock, food prices are a little shocking in Alaska and everything must be shipped in or trucked in.   Do look for local goods, we found reindeer sausage in Alaska and here in PG we found LIVE Canadian mussels.  We bought the mussels (of course) added some linguini and french bread and had a delicious supper.  From a seafood perspective, the mussels come in third, after the Sockeye Salmon and Homer Oysters.  Fresh Sockeye remains our #1 seafood choice.

I was able to celebrate my birthday at the Northern Lights Winery.   This is BC's northern most winery.   It has a beautiful view of the Nechako river.   Added a cheese board to our tastings - the Pacific Rock cheddar cheese was a winner.  The wines here are blended with fruit, a little sweet, but would be great for a hot summer day.  

The Golf Bucketlist of golf in every US state has now expanded to Canada.  We played at the Aspen Grove Golf Course.  Luckily we played with a local or we would still be wandering around the course trying to locate the next hole.  It is very condensed course- one hole had 2 tees - hole #5 and hole #17.  Hard to figure out which way to hit your ball.

Completed our visit with dinner at Shiraz (persian food).  The lamb was delicious.  I would definitely recommend the food....but the NOT the local folk singer.  At best, just listening to taped middle Eastern music would have been much better and fitting with the decor and atmosphere of the restaurant.   So we head back to the RV and indulged in homemade birthday brownies Thank you Judy for making the brownies, they were the perfect ending to our first road trip together.

Next stop Jasper and Banff, before we head into Montana.


  1. What a cute picture of the four of you. The wine looks inviting, just finishing mine at home. The golf outing sounds interesting, like you need a caddy..right. Very hot here, the almonds are coming off as I write, so busy time here. Miss you. Sue

    1. I had you at I see it's 105+ this week, yikes. Stay cool. We will have to
      Plan a golf /wine outing when we return.


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