Denali/Mt. McKinley

I remember learning about Mt. McKinley in school.  But in 2015 this spectacular mountain peaks name returned to the name Denali.  The native Athabaskan people called the mountain Denali....which means most high.    So, where did the name Mt. McKinley come from????  In 1896 a gold prospector named the mountain after presidential candidate William McKinley.  McKinley was elected president but unfortunately never visited Alaska...slight problem as he was assasinated.    In 2915 President Obama signed the bill changing the name to Denali.

Regardless of what you chose to call this mountain it is impressive.  Standing at 20,310 feet it is the highest North American peak.  The peak is not always visible. In fact it is visible less than 30% of the summer season .  We were fairly lucky, here is our view from Talkeetna



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