Whittier or Girdwood....decisions, decisions

Girdwood or Whittier a difficult decision.  We chose Whittier.   This is a quaint seaside town, known as the "secret port" during  WWII.  To get to Whittier, you need to go through the Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel.   This is the longest tunnel in North America @ 2.6 miles.  Of course Alaska had the tallest mountain, so it also needs to have the longest tunnel. The tunnel allows a single lane of traffic to drive over RR tracks.  There are 8 safe rooms in the tunnel...if the strobe light starts blinking white, STOP the car, leave keys in the ignition, car doors open and RUN to the nearest safe room. Sounds ominous....lucky for us it was an easy drive through tunnel with NO stops.  Do check the tunnel hours ...since it is one way, you can't just drive through when you want to.

After a lunch of local halibut and chips, we visited a creek where the salmon were running. They were jumping and splashing.  I was the closet target and my pant legs were drenched.   It was amazing to the the salmon run.  What an amazing cycle of life.

After leaving Whittier we visited the Begich Boggs visitor center.   Films , exhibits and a great trailhead to the Byron glacier.   An easy hike on a beautiful sunny day.

If we have time on the way back, we will have to visit Girdwood and take the Aleyeska tram.

The wifi is really poor, so no photos. ☹️


  1. We enjoyed Whittier. Went through about 6 times. We made our ferry reservations there. We boarded the ferry in Haines. Richard drove the bus and I drove the truck onto the ferry.
    I very happy that you are seeing so much of Alaska!

    1. Ferry sounds like fun. Doubt we will be in Whittier 5 more times too many other places to explore


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